Metroid other m steam deck download
Metroid other m steam deck download

metroid other m steam deck download

Playing these games on Steam Deck is made possible by a free app called EmuDeck, which you need to download to the handheld via desktop mode. It even added really nice cover art to the Steam Deck game dashboard to match my other PC games. Not to mention that it’s incredible that I can play a motion-controlled Wii game like a modern dual-stick console shooter without getting lost in the settings – testament to the modders who, there I am sure, have worked very hard to streamline the heck out. Getting the three-game collection for Wii up and running was a surprisingly easy and quick process, and it requires very little emulator experience. After all, I own a Steam deck that seems to be just as good at emulating non-PC games as many PC titles. Nintendo did nothing of the sort on this day, Nintendo’s 20th birthday Metroid Prime, the timeless modernization of the series that turned it into a first-person shooter. Nevertheless, I was hoping that on November 18th there would be a surprise version of the Switch Metroid Prime Trilogy. If there were gamer imperatives not to expect too much from Nintendo, it would likely be chiseled at.

Metroid other m steam deck download